Oglala Lakota Women and Buffalo

Q'Orianka Kilcher: Rights of Indigenous Peoples


[P760] Go!Style - Tattva Dance Academy Edited (2010)

S-H-E -Explanation.

SHE, is a website dedicated to the veneration of the feminine through Artistic mediums. To me, the feminine is an aspect of reality that presides over nature with grace....SHE, emanates through all of creation in various forms, SHE, is undeniable, incorruptible, biologically, metaphysically and spiritually sound...SHE, is the substance of sound, SHE, is at the substratum of all life....SHE, is the first, the Alpha gene....

The early stages of embryonic development are identified by the mother's genotype for the first several weeks. This means all embryos
start out as the Mother’s gender, female. If no DNA changes take place, the embryo REMAINS, female. For a female embryo to become male, the Mother’s body promotes a protein called the H-Y antigen, changing the X chromosome to a Y chromosome. Thus, the male embryo is created from the female embryo....Like I said....SHE, is first...and is at the substratum of all creation....

Also be sure to click on The OLDER POSTS Option at the bottom of the last Blog post so that you can read all of my commentary.

SHE, is everywhere....

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Lotus Petals At Her Feet.....

To the Shakta, God is his Supreme Mother. In innumerable births he has had countless mothers and fathers, and he may in future have many, many more. The human, and indeed any, mother is sacred as the giver (under God) of life, but it is the Divine Mother of All (Shrimata), the "Treasure-House of Compassion", who alone is both the Giver of life in the world and of its joys, and who (as Tarini) is the Saviouress from its miseries, and who again is, for all who unite with Her, the Life of all lives -- that unalloyed bliss named Liberation. She is the Great Queen (Maharajni) of Heaven and of yet higher worlds, of Earth, and of the Underworlds. To Her both Devas, Devis, and Men give worship. Her Feet are adored by even Brahma, Vishnu, and Rudra.

Quote From:
Shakti and Shâkta
translated by Arthur Avalon (Sir John Woodroffe) [1918]

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